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Caboolture Vendor FAQ's1. Horses must be in attendance at the Caboolture Showgrounds Sunday 7th April accompanied by a correctly completed Biosecurity Horse Health Declaration. 2. A Nomination Form must be completed for each horse/item - 3. Online nominations will close 9am Saturday 6th April. Horses can be nominated in person at the Showgrounds Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th. However, pre-booked horses will take precedence in the lotting. 4. Lot numbers/Sale Order will be uploaded to the Online Catalog the evening prior to the sale. 5. Horses can be delivered to the Showgrounds from 2pm Saturday 6th & before 8am Sunday 7th. 6. All horses will have online bidding available – online only pre-bidding will open at 5pm Wednesday 3rd.
What is the sale process for your Monthly Online Only sales?A nomination form is required to be submitted for each animal/item you wish to sell. Nominations will close at 9am the day the sale opens & bidding will open at 6pm that evening & will close from 7pm the following Thursday. The animal/item will remain with you for the duration of the sale & Collection/transport is to be arranged directly between the Vendor & the Buyer. Once you have received confirmation of payment by Triangle Horse Sale, your animal/item is ok to be released to the buyer. Immediate payment is required from all buyers, & once payment in full has been received we will forward you (the vendor) a copy of the receipt as confirmation that the lot has been paid for & so you have the purchaser’s information. The sale proceeds (less commissions) will be transferred to the Vendor within 10 business days from the close of sale. In the event your animal/item does not sell, Triangle Horse Sale hold the EXCLUSIVE selling right for any lot from the date of nomination through to seven (7) business days post sale. In the event of a referral, the referred buyer will be granted ONE opportunity (first right of refusal) to complete the sale at the reserve price or a negotiated figure agreed to by the Vendor, Purchaser & Auctioneer. In the event the sale in not completed and the lot remains unsold, the lot can be sold to any registered bidder or via private treaty to any party the Auctioneer chooses. In the event a lot is referred/passed in and is sold post Auction to any party (registered buyer or otherwise) the Auctioneer is entitled to 100% of the commission from the Vendor and the buyer is liable to pay 100% of the Buyers Premium.
How do I nominate my horse?A fully completed nomination form must be submitted along with all sale photos & videos by 9am the day the sale opens.
What are your Fees?Commissions & Fees: Online Only Commission: Horses/Ponies & Donkeys: 8.8% inc GST Working Dogs: 8.8% inc GST Saddlery/Tack: 12.5% inc GST Floats/Trailers or Vehicles: 5.5% inc GST Online Only Up Front Fees: Reserved Nomination Fee: $55 inc GST Social Media Advertising (Optional): $25 inc GST CowTown App Advertising (Optional): $44 inc GST Gympie/Caboolture Horse Sale Commission: Horses/Ponies/Donkeys Commission: 10% inc GST Saddles/Saddlery Commission: 12.5% inc GST Floats/Trailers Commission: 5.5% inc GST Gympie/Caboolture Horse Sale Upfront Fees: Ridden/Lead Ring Fee: $35 inc GST Penned/Project Yard Fee: $25 inc GST Social Media Advertising (Optional): $25 inc GST CowTown App Advertising (Optional): $44 inc GST Fees for Onsite Auctions (live simulcast auctions) will differ to online only auctions - these will be displayed accordingly.
How do I pay my nomination fee & social advertising?PLEASE NOTE OUR ACCOUNT DETAILS HAVE CHANGED Payment Details - Please use your name as Reference Triangle Horse Sale BSB: 064-473 | Acc: 1046 4645 *This payment will be itemised on your remittance sent post sale for tax purposes*
My form won't submit - Please Help!If you are having trouble submitting your nomination form (i.e. the submit button won't work or the CAPTCHA is not working, this is usually one of 2 things. 1. Using the incorrect browser. Our forms are not compatible with Safari, Internet Explorer or Facebook Web. Google Chrome is the only recommended browser. 2. An issue with your browser storing too much in your cache. Before clearing your cache we suggest going back to page 2. of the nomination form & copying your description & storing it somewhere safe (in a word doc or an email). Then go through to your browsers history & select "Clear Cache". Once the Cache is clear you will need to re-load the web page.
How do I send through my sale video?Videos for Sale Display & Social Media Use are due by 9am the day the sale opens (unless otherwise stated). Video links must be provided as a YouTube link and are to be submitted by email to or by WhatsApp text to 0408 380 322. Please refer to "How To Upload to YouTube" question for instructions on uploading your Video.
How do I upload my video to YouTube?Log in to your YouTube account. Click on the video icon at the top right hand side of the window, which can be found next to your user icon, messages, apps, and notifications. Click ‘Upload Video.’ Then, press ‘select files to upload’ to find the video file saved on your computer. Or you can drag and drop it into the window. Your description will be your horses name Select your Audience as “No, it’s not for Kids” Select the privacy setting of your video as “Public” Copy the link & email to using your horses name in the description or paste the link in the "YouTube Video Links" Field in our Nomination Form. Select “Upload”
What are your photo requirements?Horses: A Current Dated Photo showing your horses current condition **THIS IS A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT** Near Side (with & without a saddle) Off Side (with & without a saddle) Head Rump Feet Teeth Eyes Brands Scars / Injuries Dogs: Left Side Right Side Head Teeth Feet (Top & Pads) Eyes Scaring / Injuries We cannot stress enough the importance of detailed descriptions, clear photos and videos. It is noted month in and out, the Vendors that take the best photos have the greatest sales results.
What is the "Current Dated Photo"This must be a full body shot with no rugs or saddles & the date HANDWRITTEN on a piece of paper held in the background of the photo. ABSOLUTELY NO DIGITAL DATES WILL BE ACCEPTED!
How do I send through my sale photos?Photos for Sale Display and use on Social Media platforms are due by 9am the day the sale opens (unless otherwise stated). Photos are to be submitted in one of the following formats:- By WhatsApp text to 0408 380 322 ensuring your name or your horses name is included Transfer Link - iCloud, DropBox, OneDrive, WeTransfer, OneHub (or any other data transferring software) by email to Directly emailing the individual photos to - We recommend you only send 2-3 photos a time to ensure they are sent at their maximum quality When using data sharing apps please ensure access is given to
How should I photograph my Horse?1. Wash and groom your horse. 2. Remove rugs and blankets. Buyers don’t have x-ray vision! 3. Pick a nice location without any clutter in the background that will distract from your horse. 4. Buyers want to see the horse has clean legs and stands well without any obvious conformation issues. A busy background will detract from your horse and can create optical illusions that make your horse look undesirable. 5. Get a friend to help make sure your horses’ ears are forward and they are looking alert but not spooked in the photo. Have them stand in front of your horse holding a carrot or feed bucket to get their attention. 6. If your horse is not easily spooked your friend can wave a bag, make silly noises or anything else that will make your horse look interested and alert. 7. Position the horse in either full shade or full sun – not dappled light. 8. Take the photo with the sun directly behind your back and parallel to the horse to avoid strong shadows that will alter how your horse looks in the photos. 9. Turn the phone sideways. Landscape orientation is much better for horse photos (and videos). 10. Keep the camera at same level as the horse’s shoulder – kneel for minis and small ponies. 11. Fill the frame with the horse – your horse is the star, so make it a photo of your horse rather than a photo of a landscape with a horse in it. 12. Avoid awkward angles such as having the head closest to the camera and the body furthest away. The distorted photo might be funny, but they really don’t help a prospective buyer decide to bid on your horse. 13. Conformation shots standing facing the horses’ shoulder or girth with horse parallel to phone/camera, standing square
How long after the sale finishes will I be paid?Sale proceeds (less commission) will be transferred to the nominated bank account within ten (10) business days of the Payment Confirmation.
Can Bidders view or inspect my horse/item?Yes! All bidder enquiries & inspection requests will be sent to the Vendor via email by a Triangle Horse Sale Staff Member. All enquiries & inspection requests must be responded to within a timely manner & no inspection request will be denied without just reason.
Can I set a Reserve?Yes! All Reserve prices conveyed to the Auctioneer are GST inclusive (where applicable). In no instance will GST be added to the knockdown price. The Vendor may change their reserve price provided this is clearly communicated to Auctioneer and the Auctioneer acknowledges and agrees to the change in reserve price prior to the fall of the hammer. If a reserve is set, a non-refundable listing fee of $55 inc GST is payable prior to your listing being advertised.
What happens if my Horse/Item does not meet reserve?Triangle Horse Sale hold the EXCLUSIVE selling right for any lot from the date of nomination through to ten (10) business days post sale. In the event of a referral, the referred buyer will be granted ONE opportunity (first right of refusal) to complete the sale at the reserve price or a negotiated figure agreed to by the Vendor, Purchaser & Auctioneer. In the event the sale in not completed and the lot remains unsold, the lot can be sold to any registered bidder or via private treaty to any party the Auctioneer chooses. In the event a lot is referred/passed in and is sold post Auction to any party (registered buyer or otherwise) the Auctioneer is entitled to 100% of the commission from the Vendor and the buyer is liable to pay 100% of the Buyers Premium.
How long does the buyer have to collect the horse/item?Collection/Transport of the lot is to be arranged by the Buyer within 7 days unless agreed to by the Vendor.
Caboolture Bidder FAQ’s1. Horses will be sold LIVE from the Caboolture Showgrounds Sunday 7th April. 2. All bidders must register to bid at the auction whether onsite or online (for onsite bidders please see office staff for bidder card). 3. All lots must be paid for in full the day of sale (Sunday 7th). 4. All horses will have online bidding available – online only pre-bidding will open at 5pm Wednesday 3rd. 5. Horses will continue to be added to the catalog up to auction open at 10am Sunday 7th. 6. No online bidding available for Saddlery 7. Ridden Horses will have a video livestream available – Penned/Project Horses will not 8. Horses will be available for inspection/viewing from 8am Sunday 7th.
How to Register & Bid?Click the Link Below for Bidder Registration Guide
How can I view the horse or request additional information?All Enquiries/Inspection Requests are to be sent via the "Contact Auctioneer" button located in the description of each lot or emailed directly to - Please ensure your Name, Contact Number & Email are provided in order to receive a response. Animals are located on site at the Vendors Property - Please see each individual listing for locations. Any Inspection Welcome by Appointment. Email:
What is a reserve & what does "no reserve" or "unreserved" mean?The reserve price is the minimum price at which the Vendor is willing to sell a lot. "Unreserved" means the lot will be sold to the high bidder at the close of auction regardless of the price. Reserves are confidential, however our bidding platform will alert you when the reserve price has been met. Orange exclamation = reserve not met Green tick = reserve met
What is a Buyer’s Premium?Buyer’s premium is an additional charge paid by the buyer to auctioneer after winning the lot. The Buyers Premium varies from Auction to Auction & will be advertised in each individual auctions description.
What is Bonus Time?In the event that a bid is placed on a lot in the final minutes of an auction, that particular lot will automatically be extended for an additional 2 minutes. The extension will continue until all the bids have stopped.
What is a "Staggered Close"A staggered close means each lot will close 20 seconds after the previous lot, unless that item is in "Bonus Time". This allows bidders competing on multiple lots have ample time to ensure they don't miss a bid.
What is a Starting Bid?The starting bid is the opening bid. The starting bid is not a reflection of the reserve price.
How does a Max Bid/Auto Bidding work?You can automate the bidding process by overriding the next bid amount with your "Max Bid". If the reserve is not met - your bid will automatically jump up to either the reserve price or your maximum bid - whichever is lower. Once reserve has been met, our platform will bid on your behalf by the increment schedule only if you are bid against up to your max bid amount.
What are the bid increments?Bid increments are the amounts by which each bid will increase based on the current bid price.
Why is the "Bid History Time" Different to the time in QLD Australia?Our Host Website is located in Florida USA, hence the difference in time. The advertisied Start, Close & Auction Countdown Timer are always shown in QLD Time.
I won the lot, what happens next?You will receive your invoice via email following the close of sale. Once payment in full (cleared funds) has been received, you will be provided with the Vendors contact details to arrange collection.
How long do I have to organise collection?Collection/Transport of the lot is to be arranged by the Buyer within 7 days unless agreed to by the Vendor.
The lot I was bidding on says "May Have Won". What does this mean?This means the lot you were bidding on had a reserve that was not met. You will be contacted by a Triangle Horse Sale Staff Member either by email, text or phone following the auction, the Vendor has the opportunity to either accept your high bid, or negotiate a price closer to the reserve. The high bidders exclusive referral period will end at 2pm QLD Time, the day following the close of sale. After this time all referred lots will be available to purchase by private treaty.
What are your Payment Methods?We accept Visa or Mastercard Card payment over the phone, Direct Deposit or Cash delivered to our Office. We DO NOT accept Amex or Contra Deposits.
Do you have any Credit Card Fees?We do not charge any fees for Credit Card Payments.
Can't I just buy the lot now?No, in order to be fair to all other bidders all advertised lots must be sold through Auction.

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